

EPA Ventilation Requirements

EPA ventilation requirements are focused on what is emitted out of the building so our experienced team offers Thermo Oxidizer solutions.


  1. OSHA-89: Styrene Sampling and Analytical Method Testing Guidelines and Conditions
    1. The OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for styrene is 50 ppm (215 mg/m3) for an eight (8) hour time weighted average (TWA) and 100 ppm (425 mg/m3) for a short-term exposure limit (STEL).
    2. Standard error of estimate at the target concentration for styrene is 7.4% and will be tolerated when applicable.
    3. Exposure limits to be within the design work zone as indicated on drawings.
    4. Proper work practice and conditional guidelines must be followed. Employees will be responsible to stay within the work zone during operation. There will be training and instructions provided by SOUTHEAST which will outline work practices that are acceptable increating a safe work environment.
    5. Test samples shall be evaluated by an independent laboratory and the PURCHASER shall be provided with a copy of the results report.
    6. If sampling/testing is to be included, it will be scheduled upon completion and final balance of the system(s) and when PURCHASER’s production provides an accurate representation of work to sample.
      1. Preferred OSHA Personnel sampling method is Sorbet Tubes, such as charcoal tubes. This sampling method is method approved by SOUTHEAST. (Also known as pump testing.)
      2. Screening Sampling Method: Diffusive (Passive) Sampling (also known as badge testing). This type of testing has 2 common disadvantages, they are frequently less accurate than active sampling and the limit of detection is not always low enough for compliance monitoring.
    7.  NFPA-33: Standards for Spray Application Processes (Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastics).

Nuisance Dust

  1. NIOSH-0500nuisance particulate Sampling and Analytical Method Testing Guidelines and Conditions.
    1. Total Dust Test of Fiberglass Dust: Limit of (15mg/m³)/8 Hour Time Weighted Average (TWA).
    2. Sampling pumps with filter cassettes shall be used to measure dust exposure. Each filter cassette shall be pre-weighed and post weighed to calculate the concentration of total particulate in the air volume sampled.
    3. Proper work practice and conditional guide lines must be followed. Employees will be responsible to stay within the work zone during operation. There will be training and instructions provided by SOUTHEAST which will outline work practices that are acceptable increating a safe work environment.
    4. Test samples shall be evaluated by an independent laboratory and the PURCHASER shall be provided with a copy of the results report.
    5. If sampling/testing is to be included, it will be scheduled upon completion and final balance of the system(s) and when PURCHASER’s production provides an accurate representation of work to sample

Combustible Dust

  1. OSHA Directives CPL 03-00-008 Combustible Dust National Program.
    1. All grinding and trim booths designed by SOUTHEAST (VS) will require the customer to provide a dust sample to SOUTHEAST to be analyzed in order to determine its OSHA KST value. VS grinding booths are designed for use with fiberglass composite dusts with KST values of 200 bar.m/s or less falling into the St0 or St1 classification. SOUTHEAST expressly prohibits the creation of any St2,St3, or St4 combustible dust within the grinding booth/chamber.
    2. No explosion detection or prevention devices are included by SOUTHEAST unless specifically stated otherwise in Appendix II (Scope of Work) No Explosion venting is included.
    3. The owner\\operator shall assign accountability and establish procedures and schedules for maintaining safe operation & housekeeping conditions for it facility and equipment inregard to the prevention, control and mitigation of combustible dust fires and explosions and maintaining compliance with (NFPA 654) NFPA 652.
    4. Owner\\Operator assign accountability and keep records to maintain ignition source control: All tools shall be pneumatic with grounded piping and hoses. Commonly considered ignition sources: Friction, spark, chemical reaction, hot work, burner flames, electricity, static electricity, overheating, and hot surfaces.